E-Structors, Inc. is Awarded the Business Leadership Award by the Howard County Commission on Disability Issues

E-Structors, Inc. has been selected by the Howard County Commission on Disability Issues as the recipient of their Business Leadership Award. The Business Leadership Award is given to an employer who values diversity and provides equal opportunities for employees with disabilities, as evidenced by hiring practices, staff development, advancement possibilities and accommodation practices, or a provider who bases supports on individual’s choices in areas of education, employment, housing, social or recreational activities through commitment to self-determination principles resulting in mainstream community participation.

The Howard County Commission on Disability Issues acknowledges those who are making a difference by inspiring or helping people with disabilities. The 15 member Commission is appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council. To achieve their goals, the commission is represented by people with disabilities, service providers, family members of people with disabilities and the community at large. This voluntary citizen group advises the county on matters affecting people with disabilities. In addition, the committee provides incite and recommendations on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance to county government.

E-Structors, Inc. employs many individuals with a range of disabilities. Individual jobs vary from internal office work, material sorter, dismantler of electronic equipment and/or test and refurbishment of electronic goods. Each person is given the opportunities to learn useful skill sets that they can apply towards work and everyday life. The employment of people with a handicap is not a decision solely based on because it’s “the right thing to do”, but because E-Structors truly believes that they have the ability to contribute to the company as much as any other employee.